Salema Diet App

The very first year of the university was over and by that time, we’d had learned the fundamental concepts of programming and object oriented thinking. To put our knowledge into the practice, we joined a company that was aiming to release a diet-based application at the time. We were a group of 5 computer engineering students which had zero experience in working at the industry. Here are the challenges we confronted and ultimately, solved during a course of three months:

1. By that time, we hadn’t really worked on a real project that’s going to be used by a large number of people.

2. Our employer had asked us to develop and design this application with the Flutter framework. At the time, flutter hasn’t been released for the mass production and it was still in the beta phase just for the developers and the enthusiasts. Being one of the early adapters of a new programming languages means that we have to solve our problem by ourselves or at the worst scenario, ask it from the community. However, of course, there’s a real lack of information in the forums since the community is still under the development. Therefore, we had to have a R&D team dedicated to solving the problems and looking for the best implementations.

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